Advantages Of Making A Commercial Video
Today, companies need to use technology to reach their customers and attract new ones; the best tool to achieve this is making commercial video baltimore. Video is not the future of online marketing; it is the present. The new printing press, some call it. But what makes online video such a useful tool to advertise our products? Do you know what it’s for and how it could benefit your company? Here we tell you the ten advantages of commercial video Baltimore for your company.
- It is much more experiential than any other communication format. The video allows us to explain the advantages of our product or service and even compare it with those of the competition, contextualizing its use in real life and humanizing the online sales process.
- Involve the consumer. Today’s consumer wants to be listened to. It is not enough to transfer company information to the user; it is necessary to create communication channels. Video is a way of establishing a dialogue between the viewer and the company.
- Transparency. It is also a way to show what is behind the product or service—a unique opportunity to reflect our company’s spirit and the best business card of our business.
- Credibility. Because a picture is worth a thousand words, and because of the proximity and trust that a video awakens in the consumer, a commercial video Baltimore provides very high credibility levels.
- It is attractive, entertaining, and comfortable. Sometimes people do not have the patience or the time to read and analyze a lengthy description of our product, but they do have the time to watch a video of a couple of minutes. Did you know that a one-minute video expresses, on average, the same as an essay of almost two million words?
- Greater effectiveness in the message to be transmitted. Video has a more significant impact on the consumer’s mind. A person remembers, on average, 20% of what he hears and 30% of what he sees, but 70% of what he sees and hears at the same time. There is no doubt about it, you better tell it with a video!
- Viral effect. 92% of those who watch a video on the Internet share it or post it on their social networks, creating a viral effect that is not achieved with any other means of promotion. And the diffusion is amplified even more when the video is shared through mobile devices.
- It drives traffic to our other online channels. People prefer video to any other format. So much so that YouTube is already the second most used search engine worldwide after Google. Therefore, sharing your videos through this platform will help you get more visits, attract customers and even improve your positioning in Google. Also, the video allows you to incorporate links to your website to redirect customers.
- Positioning. The leading search engines start their pages with video results, so video marketing helps a lot to position our brand.
- Investment. Thanks to digital technology, video production costs have fallen a lot in recent times. Also, thanks to the Internet, distribution barriers are increasingly lower. This means that with the meager investment, you can stand up to larger companies and companies with bigger budgets and get the visibility you want without investing a fortune.